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PA Department of Transportation logo

PennDOT oversees programs and policies affecting highways, urban and rural public transportation, airports, railroads, ports, and waterways. More than three-quarters of PennDOT’s annual budget is invested in Pennsylvania’s approximately 121,000 miles of state and local highways and 32,000 state and local bridges. PennDOT is directly responsible for nearly 40,000 miles of highway and roughly 25,400 bridges, a system first established in 1911.

PA U.S. Congressional Districts

Boundaries of United States Congressional legislative boundaries for Pennsylvania, according to PA Congressional Redistricting Plan Act 34.This layer was digitized by PADOT from maps generated by the Reapportionment Commission for the Bureau of Commissions, Elections and Legislation Pennsylvania Dept. of State. The current layers are attributed with the current legislator name, party affiliation and home county.


Additional Info

Area of Interest State of Pennsylvania
Created March 1, 2024
Category Elections / Politics
License License Not Specified
Maintainer PA Department of Transportation Bureau of Planning and Research
Maintainer Phone 717-772-3305
Time Period March 2024
Usage Public Use; Free
Tags congressional districts
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