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Philadelphia Police Complaint Archive

Late last year, the City of Philadelphia began posting online certain data about civilian complaints against the Philadelphia Police Department. The City will only make these data available on a five-year rolling basis, however. The Declaration’s Philadelphia Police Accountability Project will be hosting a publicly available archive of the same data to provide Philadelphia residents with a fuller picture of police discipline without five year limits.

The Complaints Against Police archived data include the allegations in each separate complaint. The CAP Complainants archived data include details about individuals filing complaints. The CAP Findings archived data include the final disposition of complaints.

The City updates the CAP data once per month. The months on the resources below indicate the month that the files in question were uploaded by the City. In other words, the file labeled “Complaints Against Police March 2018 Data” was uploaded by the City in March 2018 before being replaced the next month.

The original data are available here:


  • Complaints Against Police March 2018 Data CSV (Details)
    The data on complaints against police uploaded in March 2018. This archived post covers all complaints filed in 2013 through 2017 as well as the first 42 complaints filed in 2018.
  • CAP Findings March 2018 Data CSV (Details)
    The data on CAP findings, or discipline imposed, uploaded in March 2018. This archived post covers all complaints filed in 2013 through 2017 as well as the first 42 complaints filed in 2018.
  • Corrected CAP Complainants March 2018 Data CSV (Details)
    CORRECTION: The City's data previously archived under CAP Complainants March 2018 Data contained an error: the City mixed up the columns for complainant initials and complainant age. We have fixed that error and are now linking to the corrected dataset. This data covers demographics on individuals who submitted Complaints Against Police from 2013 through 2017 as well as the first 42 complaints filed in 2018.
  • Complaints Against Police July 2018 Data CSV (Details)
    The latest data on complaints against police available in July 2018. This archived post covers all complaints filed in 2013 through 2017 as well as the first 141 complaints filed in 2018.
  • CAP Findings July 2018 Data CSV (Details)
    The latest data on CAP findings, or discipline imposed, available in July 2018. This archived post covers all complaints filed in 2013 through 2017 as well as the first 141 complaints filed in 2018.
  • Corrected CAP Complainants July 2018 Data CSV (Details)
    This data covers demographics on individuals who submitted Complaints Against Police from 2013 to complaint 141 of 2018. This is the latest data available from the City in July 2018. The City's own data contained an error: the City mixed up the columns for complainant initials and complainant age. We have fixed that error in our data.

Additional Info

Created March 25, 2018
Category Public Safety
License License Not Specified
Tags Civilian Complaints
Open in GitHub