Public Safety
35 datasets
2009-2012 Police Advisory Commission Complaints
The datasets below show information about Complaints filed with the Police Advisory Commission against Philadelphia Police officers. The information comes directly from Police Advisory Commission Complaint Database.
2020 Census to Police District Crosswalk
The data set is a crosswalk file for working with 2020 Census block group boundaries and Philadelphia Police Department district and police service areas (PSAs). Census blockgroup population centroids were situated in police geographies using SAS Proc GINSIDE. The data facilitate demographic approximations of the residential population within Philadelphia police districts and police service areas (PSAs).
AMS Latest Air Quality Sensor Readings
The latest air quality sensor readings managed by the Air Management Systems (AMS) division of the Philadelphia Department of Public Health (PDPH)
Building Demolitions
Inventory of building demolitions occurring within the City of Philadelphia. This includes both demolitions performed by private owners/contractors and by the Department of Licenses and Inspections due to dangerous building conditions.
Updated daily.
Bus Shelters
This is a point dataset of bus transit shelters installed and maintained by the City of Philadelphia, in partnership with Intersection Media.
Census Block Groups
For matching and analyzing demographic data collected and compiled by the U.S. Census Bureau & American Community Survey(ACS) to the geography of Census Block Group boundaries within the City of Philadelphia. These boundaries can change every ten years when the decennial census is conducted.
Census Blocks
The basic unit of aggregation published by the US Census Bureau. Population statistics published for redistricting are distributed at the block level. In an urban area, this corresponds to approximately one city block. This block map has been altered to improve accuracy and align with the City of Philadelphia’s street centerline.
Census Tracts
For matching and analyzing demographic data collected and compiled by the U.S. Census Bureau & American Community Survey(ACS) to the geography of Census Block Group boundaries within the City of Philadelphia. These boundaries can change every ten years when the decennial census is conducted. Adjusted to City’s Standard Boundary Format.
Center City District Police Boundary
The Center City District (CCD) is a business improvement district. The mission is to keep Center City clean, safe, and fun. CCD also makes phyiscal improvements to center city by installing and maintain lighting, signs, banners trees and landscape. This layer displays their policing boundary.
Certified for Rental Suitability
Properties that have applied and been approved as suitable for renting.
City Payments
This dataset includes checks and ACH (direct deposit) payments made by the City during the fiscal year, which runs from July 1st 2016 through June 31st 2017.
Please see full metadata to learn more detail about important notes to this data, such as:
- This data cannot be compared with other financial and accounting reports released by the City.
- Legal and security-sensitive data has been rolled up to the aggregate dataset.
- This dataset does not include salary and benefits data or payments the City makes to fund the operations of the First Judicial District.
- Vendors should use the vendor payment website, not this dataset, to track payments.
Complaints Against Police
As part of the Philadelphia Police Department’s (PPD) accountability processes, PPD publishes three datasets: The Complaints Against Police (CAP) dataset documents the civilian complaints alleging police misconduct; the CAP Findings dataset provides demographic details of the police officer involved, the allegations, and the status of the PPD’s Internal Affairs Division’s investigation of and findings (if available) about the allegation; and the Complainant Demographics dataset shows the race, sex, and age of each person who filed a complaint against a police officer by complaint number.
See metadata links below for dataset and field descriptions.
Includes data from the past five years. Updated monthly.
Crashes data
This data set contains crash data for many years from the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (Penn DOT). This is a subset of the annual Crash Data compiled and released by Penn DOT for the entire state.
Crime Incidents
Crime incidents from the Philadelphia Police Department. Part I crimes include violent offenses such as aggravated assault, rape, arson, among others. Part II crimes include simple assault, prostitution, gambling, fraud, and other non-violent offenses.
Please note that this is a very large dataset. To see all incidents, download all datasets for all years.
If you are comfortable with APIs, you can also use the API links to access this data. You can learn more about how to use the API at Carto’s SQL API site and in the Carto guide in the section on making calls to the API.
Crime Visualizations in Philadelphia County
The data on crime occurring in Philadelphia County is from the Philadelphia Police Department. The Philadelphia Inquirer has organized the data into a maps and charts. The data can be searched by year and neighborhood.
District Attorney Data Dashboard
Interactive data reports on the Philadelphia District Attorney’s Office’s work, including incidents (from the Philadelphia Police Department), arrests, charges, bail, outcomes, case length, future years of incarceration, future years of supervision, summary arrests, summary charges, summary case outcomes, and summary case lengths. Dashboards are organized into final year-end data (updated at the end of each year) and year-to-date data (updated daily). Each dashboard displays one or more interactive graphs showing trends, a table of data, and, optionally, an interactive map displaying the data by police districts. The dashboard does not provide for downloading data. Data downloads can be found at
District Attorney Data Download
Summary data for each of several data sources can be downloaded in CSV and JSON formats. The data sources include: arrests, bail, case length, case outcomes, charges, future years of incarceration imposed, future years of supervision imposed, summary offense arrests, summary offense case length, summary office case outcomes, and summary charges. The data can be grouped by day, month, or year and filtered based on a date range. It can also be downloaded as a city-wide dataset or grouped by police district, zipcode, or census tract. The data is updated daily.
Fire Department Facilities
Locations of Philadelphia Fire Department stations. Data originates from the City of Philadelphia Fire Department.
Licenses and Inspections Appeals of Code Violations and Permit Refusals
The Department of Licenses and Inspections accepts applications for appeals of various violations, refusals, revocations, and denials to the following Boards: *Board of Building Standards *Licenses and Inspections (L&I) Review Board *Zoning Board of Adjustments
For more information, please visit
The Court Appeals datasets provides details about Appeals that went to court and what the status/results of the court proceedings are. Some Appeal numbers could have multiple appeal types, so those are provided as a dataset below as well.
The Board Decisions datasets shows the decisions made by the Appeal Boards (LIRB, ZBA, BBS).
Licenses and Inspections Code Violations
Violations issued by the Department of Licenses and Inspections in reference to the Philadelphia Building Construction and Occupancy Code.
Please note that L&I Violations is a very large dataset. To see all violations, download all datasets for all years.
If you are comfortable with APIs, you can also use the API links to access this data. You can learn more about how to use the API at Carto’s SQL API site and in the Carto guide in the section on making calls to the API.
Explore Philadelphia’s most popular open geographic data in one easy to use mapping tool. This tool was built by the City’s Office of Innovation and Technology’s CityGeo team.
Parks & Recreation Program Sites
Point location features for all PPR Program site locations. This dataset includes recreation centers, playgrounds, older adult centers, swimming pools, and environmental education centers.
People Released to Philadelphia from Prison & Jail
This dataset includes people released to Philadelphia from the Philadelphia Department of Prisons (PDP) and the Pennsylvania Department of Correction (PA DOC). Individual-level data for releases from Federal (BOP) incarceration was not available, and makes up less than 2% of people released to Philadelphia in the year analyzed. The dataset also only includes people released to Philadelphia who have been charged with a criminal non-summary type offense in the Philadelphia adult criminal justice system.
Philadelphia Child Blood Lead Levels
This dataset includes the number of newly identified (incident) children with blood lead levels (BLL) ≥5 µg/dL, the number of children screened, and the percent of children screened with BLLs ≥5 µg/dL. The ZIP code data is for 2015 and the census tract data is for 2013-2015.
Cell counts with missing values are those with less than six observations, which was truncated to ensure confidentiality. Cells with values of zero were included.
The City of Philadelphia’s ArcGIS Online organization that hosts references to open data releases as feature services and AGO map applications shared with the public. Maintained by the City’s Office of Innovation and Technology’s CityGeo team.
Police Districts
Police district boundaries. A police Captain is responsible for each district. Districts are subdivided into sectors. Several districts are aggregated into divisions.
Police Divisions
Police division boundaries. Divisions are aggregations of police districts.
Police Service Areas
There are currently 65 Police Service Areas (PSA) boundaries in Philadelphia with two to four per District. These boundaries replaced a much smaller boundary, Sectors in 2009. In several Districts, PSA’s split Sector boundaries and therefore a historical comparison would not necessarily be accurate.
Police Stations
Locations of Police Stations.
PWD Stream Sampling Locations
Locations where PWD has conducted surface water quality sampling and other types of stream assessments. Sampling activities may include water quality grab sampling, habitat assessment, and sampling of invertebrates, fish and algae from wadeable streams. Not all assessment activities are performed at all sites.
Red Light Cameras
Locations of red light cameras maintained by the Philadelphia Parking Authority.
Shooting Victims
City-wide shooting victims, including Police Officer-involved shootings
Street Centerlines for Vision Zero High Injury Network 2017
This dataset contains a modified version of street centerlines used for spatial analysis to derive the High Injury Network (HIN). This version has been arrived at, using steps described in the methodology for High Injury Network. See the Metadata link for an attached PDF describing the methodology.
Vehicle & Pedestrian Investigations
Police investigations of pedestrians and vehicles from the Philadelphia Police Department. Provides details related to the location of the investigation, type of investigation, demographics of the individual investigated, and the actions taken.
Please note that this is a large dataset and therefore CSV and SHP files might give an error when you try to download them. If possible, use the API link below, instead of CSV/SHP formats, to access the data. If you can’t use the API and you have trouble downloading the full CSV or SHP files, we’ve split up the dataset by year. Please be sure to download data for all of the years to see the full dataset. You can learn more about how to use the API at Carto’s SQL API site and in the Carto guide in the section on making calls to the API.
Vision Zero High Injury Network
This data contains the High Injury Network. It is derived using spatial data analysis of crash data for years 2012-2016 from Pennsylvania Department of Transportation.