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Walk Score’s mission is to promote walkable neighborhoods. Walkable neighborhoods are one of the simplest and best solutions for the environment, our health, and our economy.

Walk Score (Phila. only)

An online application, which enables users to view calculated walkability ranks and related neighborhood metrics, such as proximity of nearby businesses, service providers, and recreational/outdoor spaces. Users can select geographic parameters (neighborhood names), or search for specific locations (addresses), to access mobility data, which is also visualized on a heat map tool with marked features. In addition to walkability, the application also gauges biking and transit scores, which measure the convenience/proximity to bikability and public transit opportunities. Users can also access walking, biking, and transit score through an API. More information about the Walk Score is available through Redfin.


Additional Info

Area of Interest National (City of Philadelphia)
Created December 8, 2014
Category Environment, Parks / Recreation, Planning / Zoning, Transportation
License License Not Specified
Maintainer Link
Usage Public Use; Free. API requires registration and key. Trial registration allows for limited data requests per day, and premium registration allows for unlimited usage, cache and branding privileges.
Tags walkability
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