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38 datasets

Bike Network - Supporting Datasets

This dataset combines data from various City of Philadelphia departments in order to create a set of supporting documentation for bike network routing. Datasets include Bike Network, Connector Streets, Regional Routes, and Trails and Side paths. Each dataset has its own parameters, dates, and sources, and individuals are encouraged to view the metadata associated with this data. This dataset is experimental and remains a work in progress. Please use with caution.

Bike Network

Line data includes the network of both streets with bike lanes and streets considered bicycle-friendly. Also known as the bicycle network.

City Facilities (Master Facilities Database)

An inventory of buildings and other fixed assets owned, leased, or operated by the City of Philadelphia including buildings, structures, and properties (not including surplus properties). Also known as the Master Facilities Database.

City Landmarks

An inventory of cultural landmarks found within the borders of the City of Philadelphia.

City Payments

This dataset includes checks and ACH (direct deposit) payments made by the City during the fiscal year, which runs from July 1st 2016 through June 31st 2017.

Please see full metadata to learn more detail about important notes to this data, such as:

  • This data cannot be compared with other financial and accounting reports released by the City.
  • Legal and security-sensitive data has been rolled up to the aggregate dataset.
  • This dataset does not include salary and benefits data or payments the City makes to fund the operations of the First Judicial District.
  • Vendors should use the vendor payment website, not this dataset, to track payments.

Indego Bike Share Stations

Data relating to the Indego BikeShare program, including station locations and the number of available bikes. More information about the program is available at:

Indego Bike Share Trips

Data relating to the Indego BikeShare program, including station locations and the number of available bikes. More information about the program is available at:


Explore Philadelphia’s most popular open geographic data in one easy to use mapping tool. This tool was built by the City’s Office of Innovation and Technology’s CityGeo team.

Parks and Recreation Out of School Time Programs

Philadelphia Parks and Recreation out-of-school time afterschool programs.

Parks and Recreation (PPR) Trails

Linear representation of Philadelphia Parks and Recreation (PPR) trails. Not designed for networking.

Parks & Recreation Districts

Polygon boundaries of Philadelphia Parks and Recreation (PPR) operational districts as established by PPR’s GIS staff and reviewed, revised, and approved by PPR’s executive staff. These boundaries were revised from boundaries that were in place in prior years.

Parks & Recreation Program Sites

Point location features for all PPR Program site locations. This dataset includes recreation centers, playgrounds, older adult centers, swimming pools, and environmental education centers.

Philadelphia Land Cover Raster

The Philadelphia Land Cover Raster provides data on the types of surfaces in Philadelphia in 2008. The data identifies seven categories: tree canopy, grass/shrub, bare earth, water, buildings, roads, other paved surfaces. The data primarily was intended to demonstrate tree canopy levels in Philadelphia. When tree canopy covers another surface type, that area is placed in the tree canopy category. The data was gathered with the assistance of the University of Vermont Spatial Analysis Laboratory.

Philadelphia Registered Historic Districts

Historic districts listed on the Philadelphia Register. Data was updated by the Philadelphia City Planning Commission in August 2017. The public can confirm a property’s historic status by contacting the Historical Commission at 215-686-7660.

You can also download a dataset of the Historic sites.

Philadelphia Registered Historic Properties

Historic sites listed on the Philadelphia Register. Data was updated by the Philadelphia City Planning Commission in July 2017. The public should confirm a property’s historic status by contacting the Historical Commission at 215-686-7660.

You can also download a dataset of the Historic districts.

Philadelphia Tree Inventory

A comprehensive inventory of all trees within the limits of the City of Philadelphia. This dataset is a snapshot in time from 2021 and will update yearly.

Philly KEYSPOT Locations

This is the location and address data of all current KEYSPOT computer labs in Philadelphia.


The City of Philadelphia’s ArcGIS Online organization that hosts references to open data releases as feature services and AGO map applications shared with the public. Maintained by the City’s Office of Innovation and Technology’s CityGeo team.

Playstreets Locations

The streets (at the center of platystreet blocks) involved in the PPR Playstreets Program. This program closes designated streets to traffic so that kids have a safe place to play when school is out. A key feature of the program are the nutritious meals and snacks provided to children. This is important during the summer months when school meals are not available.

Police Athletic League (PAL) Centers

This data was developed for cartographic use – specifically, as reference information for the Police Athletic League.

PPR Adult Exercise Equipment

Displays the locations of adult exercise equipment located within or are maintained by Philadelphia Parks and Recreation (PPR).

PPR Boat Launches

Boat launches across the city are places where boats (kayaks, canoes, and or motorboats) can be launched onto the Schuylkill River or Delaware River. This dataset identifies the boat launches/ramps located on PPR property or boat launches PPR administers directly.

PPR Building Structures

Footprints of buildings and structures located on Philadelphia Parks and Recreation (PPR) properties or utilized directly by PPR.

PPR Friends Group

Friends groups registered with the Philadelphia Parks and Recreation Stewardship team.

PPR Help Locators

Displays the locations of adult exercise equipment located within or maintained by Philadelphia Parks and Recreation (PPR).

PPR Permittable Space

Locations within PPR that are permittable based on PPR team. Feature designed to link with Permitting Application for PPR. BETA Version.

PPR Picnic Sites

Displays the locations of picnic sites located within Philadelphia Parks and Recreation boundaries. Picnic sites are denoted as any location with a picnic table.

PPR Playgrounds

Displays the locations of playgrounds within PPR Boundaries. Playgrounds ARE designated as similar age range equipment within a definable distance (not each piece of equipment).

PPR Program Districts

Polygon boundaries of PPR’s program districts as established by PPR’s GIS staff and reviewed, revised, and approved by PPR’s executive staff.

PPR Properties

Locations and boundaries for properties that Philadelphia Parks and Recreation (PPR) has responsibility for or has a distinct role in the maintenance or management.

PPR Spraygrounds

The location of spraygrounds in Philadelphia run by Parks and Recreation.

PPR Swimming Pools

The location of swimming pools in Philadelphia run by Parks and Recreation.

PPR Tennis Courts

Displays the locations of tennis courts located within properties maintained by Philadelphia Parks and Recreation (PPR).

PPR Tree Canopy

2018 data: This dataset was developed as part of an Urban Tree Canopy (UTC) assessment for Philadelphia,Pennsylvania. It shows how tree canopy changed during the period 2008-2018, highlighting trees that were gained or lost during the 10-year period. It is intended for use in monitoring patterns of change in Philadelphia,Pennsylvania tree canopy.

2015 data: Collection of tree canopy outlines and points generated by Intergraph Government Solutions (IGS) for trees >6’ diameter. Update generated off the 2015 Leaf-Off 3” AccuPLUS Imagery representing changes in tree canopy visible within the imagery. Heights have been derived separately for each tree canopy outline from 2015 LiDAR data capture.

Registered Community Gardens

Locations of community gardens throughout the City of Philadelphia that are registered with the Philadelphia Parks and Recreation’s Urban Agriculture Team.

Urban Agriculture Projects

Urban agriculture projects located within Philadelphia Parks and Recreation sites.

Vision Zero High Injury Network

This data contains the High Injury Network. It is derived using spatial data analysis of crash data for years 2012-2016 from Pennsylvania Department of Transportation.

Walk Score (Phila. only)

An online application, which enables users to view calculated walkability ranks and related neighborhood metrics, such as proximity of nearby businesses, service providers, and recreational/outdoor spaces. Users can select geographic parameters (neighborhood names), or search for specific locations (addresses), to access mobility data, which is also visualized on a heat map tool with marked features. In addition to walkability, the application also gauges biking and transit scores, which measure the convenience/proximity to bikability and public transit opportunities. Users can also access walking, biking, and transit score through an API. More information about the Walk Score is available through Redfin.