Budget / Finance
15 datasets
City Employee Earnings
This data does not necessarily represent current salaries of employees and is intended for informational purposes only. Formal requests to document salary details or other personnel information should be made through the City’s Human Resources department.
Earnings for all City employees, including elected officials and Court staff. Data since 2019 up to the most recent quarter of this year. Please note that since employee counts fluctuate throughout the year, the sum of the BASE_SALARY field does not reflect the total budgeted amount. Also, when the BASE_SALARY column is blank, it represents part-time, temporary, or seasonal employees paid by the hour. Please see metadata for detailed explanations of each field.
City Facilities (Master Facilities Database)
An inventory of buildings and other fixed assets owned, leased, or operated by the City of Philadelphia including buildings, structures, and properties (not including surplus properties). Also known as the Master Facilities Database.
City Operating Budget
Proposed, adopted, and estimated operating budgets for City of Philadelphia government. The City’s Fiscal Year begins July 1st and ends June 30th.
City Payments
This dataset includes checks and ACH (direct deposit) payments made by the City during the fiscal year, which runs from July 1st 2016 through June 31st 2017.
Please see full metadata to learn more detail about important notes to this data, such as:
- This data cannot be compared with other financial and accounting reports released by the City.
- Legal and security-sensitive data has been rolled up to the aggregate dataset.
- This dataset does not include salary and benefits data or payments the City makes to fund the operations of the First Judicial District.
- Vendors should use the vendor payment website, not this dataset, to track payments.
City-Registered Local Businesses
The City of Philadelphia gives preference to certified local businesses through its Local Business Entity program. This dataset provides a list of currently certified local businesses registered with the City of Philadelphia.
For more information, visit: https://www.phila.gov/departments/procurement-department/local-preference/
Civil Service Positions Details
These datasets show job classification and pay ranges details about Civil Service positions approved by the Civil Service commission and Administrative board.
Commodities Contracts
Commodities contracts are bid and awarded by the Procurement Department, for supplies, equipment, non-professional services, and public works. Each data set includes information regarding contracts that were renewed or received payment during the given quarter.
When you click on a file below and it opens in a new tab, simple right click on the page, and choose ‘save as.’ When the save as dialog box appears, make sure the ‘save as type’ is Microsoft Excel Comma Separated Values File. You should then be able to open in excel.
Homes Saved
To prevent homeowners from becoming homeless due to foreclosure, the City initiated the Residential Mortgage Foreclosure Prevention Program, an innovative program that links a Court of Common Pleas order requiring that homeowners facing foreclosure have an opportunity to meet with their lenders to negotiate an alternative to foreclosure with City-funded housing counseling, outreach, a hotline and legal assistance. Working together, the City and the Court have created and implemented a national model.
Housing Counseling Agencies
OHCD has long supported neighborhood-based and citywide organizations offering housing counseling services to low- and moderate-income people. OHCD-funded services provided by these agencies include mortgage counseling, default and delinquency counseling, tenant support and housing consumer education. Through these services prospective homeowners can avoid predatory loans, a significant cause of foreclosure.
Explore Philadelphia’s most popular open geographic data in one easy to use mapping tool. This tool was built by the City’s Office of Innovation and Technology’s CityGeo team.
Philadelphia Beverage Tax Registered Distributors and Dealers
This data has stopped receiving updates. We’re working to reestablish automation by the end of 2022.
This dataset provides a list of businesses that have registered as sweetened beverage distributors or dealers that file and pay the tax. The search application built off of this dataset allows businesses to find or confirm that their distributors or dealers are registered. Please note that this dataset shows only those Registered Distributors and Registered Dealers who consented to share their information publicly and thus this list may not be a comprehensive list of all who have registered.
The City of Philadelphia’s ArcGIS Online organization that hosts references to open data releases as feature services and AGO map applications shared with the public. Maintained by the City’s Office of Innovation and Technology’s CityGeo team.
Professional Services Contracts
The entire dataset for Professional Services Contracts by fiscal quarter are available for download in a Microsoft Excel® compatible CSV format below. To download: click on the dataset url, which will open in a new browser tab as a text file. Right click on the text and choose ‘save as’ csv to download it.
The City of Philadelphia, through a joint effort among the Finance Department, Chief Integrity Officer and the Office of Innovation and Technology (OIT), launched an online, open data website for City contracts. The site provides data on the City’s professional services contracts in a searchable format and includes a breakdown of contract dollars by vendor, department and service type. It also features a “frequently asked questions” section to help users understand the available data: http://cityofphiladelphia.github.io/contracts/.
Real Estate Tax Balances
Data about real estate accounts with tax balances. The aggregated datasets include both accounts with overdue balances (property owner owes a late balance in the current tax year but it is not yet considered delinquent) and tax delinquencies. Tax delinquencies are accounts with outstanding balances for previous tax years. A past due account becomes delinquent when the real estate tax is still unpaid on January 1 of the following year that the tax was due.
Residency Waivers
The table below shows which job positions have received a waiver from the following residency requirements.
To get a job with the City, you must fulfill certain residency requirements: -Exempt positions: You must move to Philadelphia within six months after your appointment date. -Civil service positions: you must live in Philadelphia for one year before your appointment date.