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PA Department of Transportation

PennDOT oversees programs and policies affecting highways, urban and rural public transportation, airports, railroads, ports, and waterways. More than three-quarters of PennDOT’s annual budget is invested in Pennsylvania’s approximately 121,000 miles of state and local highways and 32,000 state and local bridges. PennDOT is directly responsible for nearly 40,000 miles of highway and roughly 25,400 bridges, a system first established in 1911.

15 datasets

PA At-Grade Intersections

Locations of Pennsylvania At-Grade Intersections as maintained by the PA Dept of Transportation

PA Bridges

Bridge locations within Pennsylvania

PA U.S. Congressional Districts

Boundaries of United States Congressional legislative boundaries for Pennsylvania, according to PA Congressional Redistricting Plan Act 34.This layer was digitized by PADOT from maps generated by the Reapportionment Commission for the Bureau of Commissions, Elections and Legislation Pennsylvania Dept. of State. The current layers are attributed with the current legislator name, party affiliation and home county.

PA Drain Pipes

Locations and attributes of drainage pipe structures that intersect with a state route

PA Interstate Mile Markers

Point locations of Pennsylvania Interstate mile markers

PA Local Roads

Public roads, including those not maintained by the PA Dept. of Transportation.

PA Municipality Boundaries

Boundaries of municipalities within Pennsylvania as delineated for the PennDOT Type 10 general highway maps. Additional information comes from the Pennsylvania Bureau of Municipal Services. This layer contains all classifications of municipality including first and second class townships, boroughs, cities and the town.

PA Rail Lines

Rails Lines within Pennsylvania

PA Railroad Crossings

Pennsylvania Railroad Crossing Points of Intersection

PA School Districts

School districts as defined by Pennsylvania Department of Transportation, Bureau of Planning and Research, Cartographic Information Division

PA State House of Representatives Districts

Data includes boundaries of Pennsylvania House of Representatives Legislative Districts, along with name and party affiliation of each district’s legislator.

PA State Roads

State-owned and maintained public roads within Pennsylvania as extracted from the PENNDOT Roadway Management System (RMS). Includes fields describing pavement type, traffic volumes and other information. The Administrative version is used for reporting purposeslike the federal aid system and federal functional classification.

PA State Senate Districts

Data includes polygon boundaries of Pennsylvania Senate Legislative Districts, along with name and party affiliation of each district’s legislator.

PA Traffic Counts

Traffic volumes; measured and calculated amounts of vehicle traffic that travel the sections of road.

PA Transporation Improvement Projects

PennDOT Transportation Improvement Projects as derived from the Multi-Modal Project Management System (MPMS).