The Division of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) provides funding to developers to build and maintain affordable housing units throughout the city. This dataset includes all DHCD-funded housing projects completed since 1994 for which there is data.
The latest air quality sensor readings managed by the Air Management Systems (AMS) division of the Philadelphia Department of Public Health (PDPH)
The datasets below have been archived and will not receive further updates, but remain available for reference. The up-to-date and more comprehensive Neighborhood Food Retail data is available and will be updated annually going forward. For those conducting analysis using this data, please be advised that the previous methodology is vastly different from the more recent data, so it would not make sense to compare the two.
This dataset is derived from the Walkable Access to Healthy Foods in Philadelphia, 2012-2014 report analyses.
The City of Philadelphia is launching Boost Your Business, a fund for equitable business growth. Businesses owned by people of color face unique barriers in accessing resources and opportunities, which was only worsened by the COVID-19 pandemic. Boost Your Business will provide funding to help diverse entrepreneurs in Philadelphia scale their businesses.
Inventory of building demolitions occurring within the City of Philadelphia. This includes both demolitions performed by private owners/contractors and by the Department of Licenses and Inspections due to dangerous building conditions.
Updated daily.
This data set provides geographic boundaries and basic information for Philadelphia’s 15 Business Improvement Districts (BID) as well the University City District and Sports Complex District. More information available here This data set may be helpful to property owners, property purchasers or title companies seeking to know if a property exists within a BID. Note that this dataset may include errors or outdated information. Therefore, it is strongly recommended that interested parties contact BID organizations directly with inquiries.
Services and support available to businesses in Philadelphia.
For matching and analyzing demographic data collected and compiled by the U.S. Census Bureau & American Community Survey(ACS) to the geography of Census Block Group boundaries within the City of Philadelphia. These boundaries can change every ten years when the decennial census is conducted.
The basic unit of aggregation published by the US Census Bureau. Population statistics published for redistricting are distributed at the block level. In an urban area, this corresponds to approximately one city block. This block map has been altered to improve accuracy and align with the City of Philadelphia’s street centerline.
For matching and analyzing demographic data collected and compiled by the U.S. Census Bureau & American Community Survey(ACS) to the geography of Census Block Group boundaries within the City of Philadelphia. These boundaries can change every ten years when the decennial census is conducted. Adjusted to City’s Standard Boundary Format.
This data does not necessarily represent current salaries of employees and is intended for informational purposes only. Formal requests to document salary details or other personnel information should be made through the City’s Human Resources department.
Earnings for all City employees, including elected officials and Court staff. Data since 2019 up to the most recent quarter of this year. Please note that since employee counts fluctuate throughout the year, the sum of the BASE_SALARY field does not reflect the total budgeted amount. Also, when the BASE_SALARY column is blank, it represents part-time, temporary, or seasonal employees paid by the hour. Please see metadata for detailed explanations of each field.
This dataset includes checks and ACH (direct deposit) payments made by the City during the fiscal year, which runs from July 1st 2016 through June 31st 2017.
Please see full metadata to learn more detail about important notes to this data, such as:
The City of Philadelphia gives preference to certified local businesses through its Local Business Entity program. This dataset provides a list of currently certified local businesses registered with the City of Philadelphia.
For more information, visit:
These datasets show job classification and pay ranges details about Civil Service positions approved by the Civil Service commission and Administrative board.
These are commercial corridors, centers, districts, and projects that provide consumer-oriented goods and services, including retail, food and beverage, and personal, professional, and business services.
A dataset of free COVID-19 testing sites.
If looking for a test, please use the Testing Sites locator app. No testing site will ask you for money. You will be asked for identification and may also be asked for health insurance information. If you don’t have identification or health insurance, you can still get a test. In addition, some sites may:
Check a location’s specific details on the map. Then, call or visit the provider’s website before going for a test.
As of May 2022, these datasets moved from daily updates to weekly updates every Monday.
Shows distribution counts of first and second dose, as well as total dose information for all vaccinations performed by the health department. Also provides vaccinations by census tract, ZIP code, date, age, race, and sex. Vaccinations include residents and non-residents of Philadelphia. Updates daily.
The City of Philadelphia’s datasets are snapshots published on a daily basis. These data sets include de-identified, aggregate datasets showing COVID-19 cases, hospitalizations, and deaths by date, zip code, race, and age/sex and are made available accumulated into historical data sets of the daily snapshots collected. The cases and deaths by date, zip code, and age/sex are accumulated since 6/4/2020. Cases and death by race and hospitalizations are accumulated since 8/15/2020. Data is collected from the City’s data published at through a daily scrape of the web site.
**As of May 2022, these datasets moved from daily updates to weekly updates. **
For greatest accuracy, please use the latest dataset for all analysis and reporting as opposed to any data you downloaded prior to September 29, 2020. All datasets now reflect counts from test collection dates instead of the previously displayed result dates. These changes will adjust, for example, the count of cases for each day. PDPH has also added 376 confirmed COVID-19 cases (positive tests) that were previously missing from the data.
Deidentified, aggregate datasets showing COVID deaths by date, zip, race, or age. You can find COVID cases datasets here. To protect the confidentiality of residents, PDPH suppresses the exact data for any categories that have less than 6 counts (i.e. of cases or fatalities).
As of May 2022, these datasets moved from daily updates to weekly updates every Monday.
A break down by census categories of the hospitalizations to date within the city limits.
As of May 2022, these datasets moved from daily updates to weekly updates every Monday.
For greatest accuracy, please use the latest dataset for all analysis and reporting as opposed to any data you downloaded prior to September 29, 2020. All datasets now reflect counts from test collection dates instead of the previously displayed result dates. To keep things clear, the field name in the COVID Outcome by Date files also changed from ‘Result_Date’ to ‘CollectionDate.’ These changes will adjust, for example, the count of cases for each day. PDPH has also added 376 confirmed COVID-19 cases (positive tests) that were previously missing from the data.
Deidentified, aggregate datasets showing COVID tests by date, zip, and outcome and cases by race, age or sex. To protect the confidentiality of residents, PDPH suppresses the exact data for any categories that have less than 6 counts (i.e. of tests or fatalities).
An RSS feed of all jobs classifieds offered on the Philadelphia Craigslist site. The structured data for each listing includes a Resource Description Framework (RDF) for that listing.
An RSS feed of all for sale and wanted classified listings offered on the Philadelphia Craigslist site. The structured data for each listing includes a Resource Description Framework (RDF) for that listing.
Data includes commercial and industrial zones, i.e. areas with specific federal-granted special amenities (tax incentives, loans/grants) meant to attract and support businesses in blighted areas. Blighted areas are defined as meeting one of seven city mandated criteria, including unsafe, unsanitary and inadequate conditions; economically or socially undesirable land use; and faulty street and lot layout.
Please note that the enterprise zones expired in the early 2000s, therefore this dataset has been archived, and will not be updated, but remains for historical analysis purposes.
Data includes commercial and industrial zones, i.e. areas with specific federal enterprise zone designation meant to attract and support businesses in blighted areas. Blighted areas are defined as meeting one of seven city mandated criteria, including unsafe, unsanitary and inadequate conditions; economically or socially undesirable land use; and faulty street and lot layout.
The Health of the City report summarizes data on community health in Philadelphia through interactive charts and maps. The Health of the City table contains aggregate metrics on population statistics, social determinants of health, and health outcomes that were used to build this report.
To prevent homeowners from becoming homeless due to foreclosure, the City initiated the Residential Mortgage Foreclosure Prevention Program, an innovative program that links a Court of Common Pleas order requiring that homeowners facing foreclosure have an opportunity to meet with their lenders to negotiate an alternative to foreclosure with City-funded housing counseling, outreach, a hotline and legal assistance. Working together, the City and the Court have created and implemented a national model.
Contains information about the applicant, business, project, and costs. Used for tracking completed projects; including tracking amounts paid.
This dataset tracks usage of the City’s language access services through contracts with external vendors for translation and interpretation.
Certain buildings in the City of Philadelphia require periodic inspections. These inspections are performed by licensed inspection companies. Buildings that contain fire sprinkler systems or hard-wired fire alarm systems must have these systems inspected annually. Buildings over 60 feet must have their façade inspected every five years. Buildings with fire escapes or private bridges must have these structures inspected every five years. Non-vacant piers must be inspected every three years. The Department of Licenses and Inspections collects certifications documenting the conditions of these structures and enforces the requirements that property owners file these certifications with the Department and repair any structural issues or system deficiencies identified during the corresponding inspection. This dataset contains records related to these building certifications.
You can find out more information about fire protection certifications and maintenance inspections.
Information regarding applications for licenses required by the City to conduct certain business activities. Licenses are required for individuals and businesses to engage in select commercial activities. For example, vendors and restaurants require a license in order to sell goods and food and trades-people, such as plumbers and contractors, require a license in order to practice their trade.
Information includes license application type, applicant, property for which the license would be issued, application date, issue date, and expiration date. Data is accurate; however, it may be misinterpreted by an unfamiliar user.
Commercial Activity Licenses are required by entities doing business in the City of Philadelphia. Information includes license number, application date, issuance date, applicant information, business entity name and other related information.
District Boundaries for the Department of Licenses & Inspections are pre 2014. Districts Broad refers to the five districts which contain their own district offices and are a method the department uses to assign and analyze work.
This dataset is derived from the Neighborhood Food Retail in Philadelphia report. The report, and accompanying online resource gallery, looks at neighborhood availability of “high-produce supply stores” (e.g., supermarkets, produce stores, farmers’ markets) in relation to “low-produce supply stores” (like dollar stores, pharmacies, and convenience stores).
To map streets with no through trucks in the City of Philadelphia.
A database of all Minority/Women/Disable Owned (MWD) owned businesses that are registered with the City of Philadelphia’s Office of Economic Opportunity (OEO).
Explore Philadelphia’s most popular open geographic data in one easy to use mapping tool. This tool was built by the City’s Office of Innovation and Technology’s CityGeo team.
Locations and basic information on public art that is part of the Percent for Art program. Updated as needed.
This data has stopped receiving updates. We’re working to reestablish automation by the end of 2022.
This dataset provides a list of businesses that have registered as sweetened beverage distributors or dealers that file and pay the tax. The search application built off of this dataset allows businesses to find or confirm that their distributors or dealers are registered. Please note that this dataset shows only those Registered Distributors and Registered Dealers who consented to share their information publicly and thus this list may not be a comprehensive list of all who have registered.
A survey assessment on home broadband and device access in the City of Philadelphia.
The City of Philadelphia’s ArcGIS Online organization that hosts references to open data releases as feature services and AGO map applications shared with the public. Maintained by the City’s Office of Innovation and Technology’s CityGeo team.
This represents waterway structures that may require pier certifications.
The entire dataset for Professional Services Contracts by fiscal quarter are available for download in a Microsoft Excel® compatible CSV format below. To download: click on the dataset url, which will open in a new browser tab as a text file. Right click on the text and choose ‘save as’ csv to download it.
The City of Philadelphia, through a joint effort among the Finance Department, Chief Integrity Officer and the Office of Innovation and Technology (OIT), launched an online, open data website for City contracts. The site provides data on the City’s professional services contracts in a searchable format and includes a breakdown of contract dollars by vendor, department and service type. It also features a “frequently asked questions” section to help users understand the available data:
Data about real estate accounts with tax balances. The aggregated datasets include both accounts with overdue balances (property owner owes a late balance in the current tax year but it is not yet considered delinquent) and tax delinquencies. Tax delinquencies are accounts with outstanding balances for previous tax years. A past due account becomes delinquent when the real estate tax is still unpaid on January 1 of the following year that the tax was due.
The Department of Records (DOR) published data for all documents recorded since December 06, 1999, including all real estate transfers in Philadelphia. Document type, grantor, and grantee information is presented by address for each transaction. More specifically, the real estate transfers data shows the dates and location of property sales, deeds, mortgages, and sheriff deeds, and includes associated data, such as any realty transfer tax paid. This table contains both raw source data as well as calculated and geocoded/data fields.
Please note that this is a very large dataset and Excel will not load all of the records. If you’re only comfortable with Excel, please use either the links for individual years, or the data visualization which allows you to filter the dataset by your specific interests (i.e. a zip code) and then export a custom CSV from the table at the bottom of the visualization. We provide the CSV of All Years mostly for developers to use when coding. If you are comfortable with APIs, you could also use the API links to access this data. You can learn more about how to use the API at Carto’s SQL API site and in the Carto guide in the section on making calls to the API.
Development certified areas, i.e. areas deemed blighted and eligible for urban renewal by the Philadelphia City Planning Commission under the amended Pennsylvania Urban Redevelopment Law. Blighted areas are defined as meeting one of seven city mandated criteria, including unsafe, unsanitary and inadequate conditions; economically or socially undesirable land use; and faulty street and lot layout.
The table below shows which job positions have received a waiver from the following residency requirements.
To get a job with the City, you must fulfill certain residency requirements: -Exempt positions: You must move to Philadelphia within six months after your appointment date. -Civil service positions: you must live in Philadelphia for one year before your appointment date.
Data includes the boundaries for city sanitation areas (which are aggregations of Sanitation Districts).
Districts with special sidewalk vending rules pursuant to Sections 9-204 (Sidewalk Vendors in Center City) and 9-206 (Sidewalk Vendors in Neighborhood Business Districts) of The Philadelphia Code.
This data set reflects the recipients, award amounts, and project sites for grant money disbursed by the Philadelphia Commerce Department for the Storefront Improvement Program whereby businesses are provided the funds to improve the exterior of their storefront.
Street Centerline Arcs with link to legal cards, which are a collection of cards containing the official record of the legal description and drawings of city streets.
The street nodes layer was developed for use by agencies citywide including PWD, PCPC, Police, BRT, Health, etc.
A listing of “places” and their corresponding addresses to be used for geocoding.
This layer was developed to aid the Street Lighting Division in planning, referencing, and maintaining the active street poles within the City of Philadelphia. Examples include: providing information regarding group replacement projects and any individual edits, using tables from layer for billing, and aiding cityworks.
Philadelphia Taking Care of Business (PHL TCB) Clean Corridors Program funds community-based nonprofits to sweep sidewalks and remove litter within neighborhood commercial corridors. PHL TCB seeks to 1-Maintain clean commercial districts, 2-Promote the economic success of neighborhood businesses by creating an inviting environment for shoppers, 3-Create work opportunities for Philadelphians, 4-Grow the capacity of local small businesses and organizations that provide cleaning services.
Retailers apply for a tobacco permit through an online application system, entering name, address, and other relevant business information. These data are cleaned and stored in a database maintained by the Department of Public Health.
Related datasets include the Tobacco Youth Sales Violations and Tobacco-Free School Zones.
This layer was developed to aid the Traffic Division in planning, organizing, and maintaining traffic flow within the City of Philadelphia. Examples include: the maintenance and placing of stop signs and signals and monitoring street travel direction. This polygon layer has an accompanying arc layer. Certain arcs in the arc layer contain data signifying information relating it to the polygon layer. It can tell you if both sides of the arc belong to one of the bounding polygons. All the arcs, including those with no boundary info, have naming attributes for labeling the polygon borders. Contact the Streets GIS unit for public consumption of the corresponding arc layer.
Areas where vending is prohibited in the city of Philadelphia.
Streets where vending is prohibited. Used citywide as base layer for many purposes/applications. The street centerline is available for reference purposes only and does not represent exact engineering specifications. The Philadelphia Streets Department makes no guarantees as to the accuracy of the layer.
A layer providing exceptions to the vending prohibition streets layer as indicated by the City of Philadelphia’s legislative process. Features represent streets or intersections whereby the City has made exceptions to certain or all vending restrictions. Specific exception parameters are summarized in the “REMARKS” column and can be found in full detail by accessing specific sections/subsections of the Philadelphia Code.
Area designated by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development deeming West Philadelphia as a Promise Zone. Click here to learn more about promise zones.